This is a story from the TODAY Show talking about the ill affects of sunscreen lotion. One of the best ways to have total sun protection is to wear a hat.
By Lynn Bruno
msnbc.com contributor
updated5:34 a.m. PT,Mon., May 3, 2010
Amy Bass, a Texasmotherof a 12-year-old boy and twin 5-year-old girls, is careful about slathering her children with sunscreen. The problem is, she can’t tell the difference between brands, taking it on faith that all sunblocks are created equally.
“I just grab whatever’s available,” says 45-year-old Bass, of San Antonio. “I look at my girls and they have such perfectskinand I’d like them to have that forever.”
What Bass and many other consumers don't realize is that while most sunscreens help prevent sunburn, many don’t provide effective protection against skin damage from ultraviolet A rays, which make up 95 percent of the UV spectrum. Some new sunscreen formulas protect against UVA, but there have been someworries about ingredient safety. So, consumers must sort through a maze of misleading claims and products that vary widely in their effectiveness.
Read more: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/36832300/ns/health-skin_and_beauty/from/ET#ixzz0oy8k30d2
Yeah Hat Hunter...
I love the Scala line of UPF50+ hats. They have so many colors and styles that is simply blows your mind! Headwear says not only WHO you are but WHAT you care about...UPF50+ is awesome!!!!
Oh no! I've been using the sunscreen that promises protection from UVA too- I guess it might not be good enough :(
Hats FTW!
Yeah, sounds about right. I've always felt like sunscreen did little or nothing for my skin. Even if there wasn't a sunburn, my skin would still get darker - even with SPF 50 sunscreen. I'm going to go get a UPF 50+ hat.
Hats are the way to go....
sunscreen doesn't completely protect you.
I will definitely purchase more UPF50+ hats!!
Hey HatHunter, I do a lot of hiking and biking and I have a big brim discovery expedition hat that was labeled with a upf50 that works great when it's hot and sunny, do you have any other recommendations for guys and girls who do a lot of outdoor sports/recreation?
Yes I Do Outdoor1337Warrior. I recommend the Equator. Look that up.
Hey Hikers, did you know Discovery Expedition has a new line of hats? They really protect you while
out in the sun and let's not forget about those 'skeeters'!! The nets are great with any hat.
I try to get my kids to play outside more but I don't want them to be in danger? What are some good upf hats for kids and where is a good place to get them?
Check out Dorfman Pacific. They have a whole line of hats for children. As for where to purchase them? Let me do some research and I'll post some links later on.
I have a big family and therefore need a lot of hats for summer. What's the best bang for my buck when it comes to UPF hats?
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